The darkest day of the year
Today we celebrate the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. It's a time for introspection and self reflection.
A time to quiet ourselves and appreciate that which we have. In the past, the yule log symbolized the fire that would keep us going thru that darkest night. To ward off the cold and to offer hope for what was yet to come. The energy of Holy Fire Reiki reminds me of this concept at times. It is patient and kind. It is there for us when we need it. It supports us and grows with us. Reiki has evolved over its years of practice as we have evolved as spiritual beings.
These times can be incredibly hard for many people. The holidays can bring up bad or bittersweet memories, the conflicts in our family dynamics. Reiki gently works with us to help heal these wounds of the past, if only we let it. We must be accepting, not just of Reiki, but our situation as humans. The ebb and flow of life. Life and death. Happiness and sorrow. Without the sorrow how could we truly appreciate the gifts we receive in those around us? Yoga teaches us to be comfortable in the uncomfortable. To be able to hold ourselves whole and still while we process the discomforts of life. Whether that be in our bodies, or within the world. It also teaches us to not be attached to the outcome of our actions, as that attachment is what brings pain. Do not heal yourself for others, do it because it is what you should do. There may be discomfort that comes of it, but it will pass, like all things will.
There is so much hatred, war, and despair in the world. We must all focus on our own personal healings to grant ourselves the freedom from the despair of the world. We should not take our suffering out on others. Remember compassion and gentleness, not only with ourselves, but those around us. Remember the meaning of Namaste - the light in me, honors and respects the light in you. We are by no means perfect beings, our flaws are what make us so delightfully human. It is the fact that we can grow, change, and adapt that makes us unique. We have free will - we can choose to be different.
The Holy Fire will work with us as we are ready to receive it. Are you ready to receive on this darkest day of the year?
A 1 -hour session with Celestial Healing Arts for Reiki Healing - Utilizing Holy Fire III Reiki to evaluate and treat your total body - helps cleanse mind and body. Utilizing Chakra Cleansing+Clearing techniques to ensure you are clear from head to toe.
Please contact Camille directly to schedule - text is best - 267.607.3775