Fresh Batch Out! Happy New Year ♡
Happy New Year everyone! It has been snowy here in Southeastern PA. I love when the snow falls. It truly feels like winter. The winter fae and spirits of here and past - they all become ever more present with us. I appreciate how the snow is a time for the earth to reset. And it seems like generally we humans take the New Year as a time to ‘reset’ ourselves and look to the coming year to see what we want to become, how we wish to evolve, what our goals are for the year. What qualities would we like to illuminate in ourselves? Winter is a time of observance. With that observance, take a moment to look inside and see what qualities about yourself would you like to deepen and strengthen within. What would you like to bring more to the forefront? Your kindness? Courage? Peacefulness? Charitableness? Perhaps your strength? Looking to find out perhaps a new aspect to do that instead? Self-exploration is a gift that we have as humans. Our free will allows us to choose what we wish to do. Delving deep into ourselves to bring forth those aspects which we cherish and want to share with the world is one of those such gifts & choices. Don’t forget to take a bit of time in these coming days to make space for yourself and what seeds you wish to sow this coming year.
Happy New Year - Reiki Healing and Blessings upon everyone here
Happy New Year - Reiki Healing and Blessings upon everyone here 〰️
This reminds me of my hope of my garden this coming year. It’s been very productive so far! I still have many winter veggies out there and many things set up to be harvested in the spring when they put on fresh growth. It’s been amazing to see and learn from nature! I’m curious as to how it will be affected by the snow we’ve had over the past week. We shall see!
Check out the snow that we were getting!
I’m thankful for all of those who come and cross my path. One of my goals for the year is to truly embody the concept of being the Witch on Wilde - I live on Wilde Ave. I hope to bring magick, healing, and abundance to my little section of earth and nature. I wish to give back to this land as it has offered much to me and the human race. I hope that if you are just finding yourself at this crossroad - that you are open to what comes next! Thank you to all of my current, past, and future clients! This wouldn’t be possible without each and every one of you. I started this dream almost 10 years ago. Here we are, providing reiki healing and education to those in Drexel Hill, Delaware County, and all surrounding Philadelphia Metro Areas.